Contributing to the Codec Comparision Project

The intent of the project is to let people compare what they think makes sense to compare.

The requirements for contributions are:

How to Install and Run Basic Comparisions

The steps for running a comparision yourself are:

Running specific comparisions

In order to run a specific comparision:

This may be appropriate after you have done specific tweaks, added a codec, done additional runs with new parameters, or just want to re-run.

Use list_codecs to get a list of the codecs available.

The default fileset is the MPEG clip set (mpeg_video), which is not publicly available. In order to run with the webm clip set (useful for evaluating videoconferencing scenarios), give the scripts the --fileset webm argument.

If you wish to use your own clips, make a subdirectory called “local” under the “video” directory, and use the --fileset local argument.

Using Others’ Encoding Data

If you wish to download the result of other people’s encoding runs, you can run FIXME to download the git repository with test results into your test results cache. You can run FIXME to get a standard set of comparisions generated; these, together with all the ones you generate, will be listed on FIXME.

Uploading your encoding results

If you have run encodings that give new numbers, you are encouraged to share them by uploading them to the git repository for results.

(Instructions follow)

The results will be subject to some vetting to see that they are reasonable, but mostly, we expect to accept all results. It will be possible to find out who uploaded a given result, so that if any contributor’s data is found to contain systematic errors, they can be purged from the system.

Uploading New Settings

Settings are represented as encoders: a codec run with a particular set of parameters. If you have found a set of paramteters that work well in a use case, you’re encouraged to upload it.

For each codec, there are a set of named encoders: one called “default”, a set called best-<scenario>, and any other names that contributors find useful.

(Instructions go here)

Uploading a New Codec

A new codec contribution consists of:

The codec source must be available for use under a reasonable license (no secrets allowed), but does not need to be licenseable under this project’s license; people running the test set are merely using it.

Uploading a New Test Video

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